
Northaw Great Wood


northaw walk

Northaw is north of London, towards Hatfield. I was drawn to it by the name, Great Wood has a rather mythic ring to it - whether that myth is of the primaeval-forest-full-of-Elves type or just AA Milne is an exercise left to the reader's subconscious...


It's a little down at heel in places, and the tracks in it are well-used by local rich people walking their dogs and children - but it's big enough, and old enough, to transcend this.


It has small clear gravel-bedded streams. It has strange beech-lined sinkholes. It has dappled glades and long Walks. I like it. I should go more often.


Anyway, here are some pictures from times when I have gone.



October 19th 2003

March 21st 2004


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