
Siena - 14 - 19 Feb 1999

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waiting for the train from Pisa to Siena - italian railway stations always looks so second-world-war

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Siena in February - the snow was a highly aesthetic addition to the cityscape - the air was cold and crisp,  yet the light was like a hot clear day...

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Ben shelters under Mark's hat by a pope's well and tries not to look like a frozen waif...

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Unfortunately the boar wins the "urbane gaze" prize over Ben - this shop sells good sausages.

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there are many communists in Siena province - often attributed to the influence of the Contrade

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the Arco di Porta Salaria, part of an earlier wall of the city, now well inside the circuit - it leads down to... 

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the Fonte Branda, our joint favourite place in Siena - here's Ben doing a Mussolini impression 

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Ben listening to echoes and splashes in the Fonte Branda - werewolves change shape here at dawn...

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S. Maria dei Servi seen from the Facciatone - we preferred the austerity of the outlying churches...

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to the Duomo itself - although seen from outside it has a certain mathematical elegance 

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the Facciatone was intended to be the west end of an enlarged Duomo - a view from the Campo gives scale

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now, see if you can guess where we stopped off at on the way back to Pisa... yes, it's Droitwich...

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as adoptive Sienese  we're rather sniffy about 
Florence, but the public statuary has style

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all, of course, presided over (rather remotely these days) by the spirit of Dante - here is his bust outside his house.

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